Thursday, May 17, 2012

This painful pain.

This not just another definition of pain. Read the randomness of my words.
Here we go!

The things around me make me sulk to the world.
The people around me make me run away.

Find me some place to run away..
To hide from the darkness
To overcome the sadness.
To betray, dishonesty
To accept honesty.

Find me some place to run away..
To learn how to 'love love',
To learn how to 'hate hate'
To learn how to dance on rhythms
To learn how to sing within notes.

Find me some place to run away..
Find me some better place,
where peace resides within soul,
and can differentiate the foul.
I may not be sounding perfect,
but perfection is something that's within imperfection.

Yes, my tears define some, which is not mine.
Now it's your turn to guess what's wrong and what's fine.

Play with your intuition, this world is a better place to live..
Find me 'some' better place to run away, run away and away..

See ya'll in next post. Love!


  1. lovely....

  2. 'Find me some better place,
    where peace resides within soul,
    and can differentiate the foul.'

    Very nice.. keep it up..

  3. I like that.. perfection in imperfection... Beautiful.

  4. Me too. Like that line -- perfection being within imperfection.

  5. Let the worse pain win the game!
    But actually whats worse the pain or the hangover of luv?
